The active package has several effective financial instruments such as Forex accounts that have been reported with the major international brokers in Great Britain and Europe. Currently we are clients of FxPro (UK), Fort Financial Services (UK), FXOpen (UK), AvaTrade (IE) and XM Broker (CY). We use wide range of Forex currency pairs, complete with charts: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/USD, USD/CHF, EUR/GBP, USD/CAD and EUR/JPY. also actively analyzes market trends and develops business directions, which is associated with exploring the mining systems and trading in the cryptocurrency markets. We have successfully engaged in trading activities on many world exchanges, such as OKCoin, BTC-E and Bitstamp. As the main tool to trade we use bitcoins, litecoins, dogecoin, dash and other cryptocurrencies. It enables fast and easy direct transactions and allows instant exchange in the most profitable way.
Since 2012, thanks to excellent marketing strategy and breakeven trading the is constantly expanding the geography of its activities. The company combines several successful profitable business directions, from the multicurrency trading in the Forex market to investments in digital currency (mining, trade exchange and private currency exchange). In 2015, the company has developed and launched an online platform for investors, which allows sending payments, making deposits and regular accruals of profits in automatic mode. Thanks to this website not only conversion of customers was significantly increased, but also got new opportunities for rapid development and steady financial flows.